Thursday, January 31, 2008

One Busy and Cold Week

Sunday night was a very exciting time. After church, which was held in a very nice hotel conference room, the fire alarm went off and everyone was asked to go to the lobby. The firemen came and discovered that it was just a false alarm. Talk about an exciting end to the week.
We left Vancouver on Monday to go to Williams Lake for a few days. When we left it was around -2 C, but when we arrived in Williams Lake it was a bone chilling -36 C. Talk about a difference in temperatures. I wasn't sure that I would ever warm up. While we were there, we got to visit with Rick's sister and dad. We also looked around for a place to hold church services, and may have found a place. We are praying that everything works out.
We are now back in Kelowna for a couple of days. Tami gets her bottom braces on tomorrow. She is not looking forward to this, but one day she will be glad that she went through with it all.
Well gotta go for now. Come back again to see what happens to us next in our travels.

1 comment:

monkey chick said...

Maybe you should stop pulling the fire alarm, lol.